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Jack Arts

Science and Industry Museum: Use Hearing Protection

Manchester’s Science and Industry Museum is uniquely well-placed to tell stories about the changing world – on the site of the oldest surviving passenger railway station, in the world’s first industrial city. With Manchester’s present-day place at the centre of the nation’s music and creative industries, it’s the perfect setting to tell the story of city natives Factory Records.

Use Hearing Protection charts the formative years of one of the city’s most seminal labels, looking at its innovations with design, technology and music, that all helped to formulate Manchester’s cultural identity as we know it today. Evolving past the city’s post-industrial days through to its place as a cultural hotspot, Factory Records gave rise to the likes of Joy Division, New Order, and The Hacienda.

To spotlight Use Hearing Protection on Manchester’s streets, we worked with Kinetic – taking over sites throughout the city with incredible yellow and black artwork that echoed one of Factory Records’ most iconic and recognisable designs.

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My Body: Emily Ratajkowski

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My Body: Emily Ratajkowski