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Build Hollywood

Build Hollywood

Build Hollywood

Build Hollywood

Jack Arts

Roxy Ball Room

As ‘the home of booze and ball games’, Roxy Ball Room ‘brings the playground to the bar’ – adding a little healthy competition and sportsmanship to cracking nights out. Established with spots in Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh and more, we worked alongside Roxy to celebrate the opening of their newest Birmingham location in Victoria Square right in the heart of the city. To launch Roxy Ball Room on the streets, our poster campaign combined with a light box-illuminated creative billboard let Birmingham’s residents in on the city’s best new nightlife spot. 

V&A Dundee: Plastic - Remaking Our World

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Jack Arts

V&A Dundee: Plastic - Remaking Our World

Barbican Centre: At the Barbs

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Jack Arts

Barbican Centre: At the Barbs