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Build Hollywood

Build Hollywood

Build Hollywood

Jack Arts

V&A Dundee: Plastic – Remaking Our World

At the V&A Dundee, Plastic: Remaking Our World is an exhibition that told the tale of the material that’s ‘shaped our daily lives like no other’, with its role in fashion, footwear, furniture, household goods, architecture, medical care, and much more. Images of uncontrolled plastic waste have become symbolic of global concerns about the climate crisis, and a feeling that ‘the dramatic consequences of the plastic boom have become obvious’.  

To bring the informative exhibition – that looked at the history and future of the material – to Dundee’s streets, we worked with Talon on a colourful street poster campaign that told its story through understated imagery. 

Tricia Levenseller: The Shadows Between Us

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Jack Arts

The Shadows Between Us: Tricia Levenseller

Roxy Ball Room

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Roxy Ball Room