Jack Arts
38 Degrees and Don’t Panic: #SendItToRishi
The cost of living crisis is beginning to bite hard. Leaving millions of people to face the horrendous choice between eating and heating, it’s an awful reality that ought to be met with fightback. Campaign platform 38 Degrees and creative agency Don’t Panic have taken up the mantle on their own terms, creating #SendItToRishi, underlining the unfortunate truth of the crisis and taking the message right to the top.
We teamed up with 38 Degrees and Don’t Panic to bring #SendItToRishi to life on the street. Taking over a billboard in Birmingham, the creative mirrored the style of a utilities bill envelope, capturing the campaign’s pertinent words in bold lettering for passers-by on the street to see. Positioned beneath it, a customised post box sat ready for people to drop off their own personal evidence of colossal price hikes. It went down a storm on both 38 Degrees’ Instagram and Twitter posts.