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Build Hollywood

Build Hollywood

Build Hollywood

Jack Arts

Women’s Equality Party

In 2021, we’ve seen incredibly frank conversations taking place around women’s safety in public spaces. One party that’s seeking to achieve gender equality once and for all is the Women’s Equality Party. Founded as an “intersectional and collaborative feminist force in British politics”, they are campaigning to put a stop to gender-based violence and street harassment as part of a political approach to eradicating sexism.

In their bid for the London Assembly and Mayoral Elections, the party said #EnoughIsEnough. We worked with them to raise the profile of their message with projections and 4 sheet posters around London, featuring a beautiful, colourful illustration of women uplifting one another, encapsulating the party’s position. Spotlighting the vote date of 6th May, the campaign focused on reclaiming street space in spots where there have been worrying numbers of sexual offences, to show voters exactly how the party planned to affect vital change.

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NHS: Vaccine Campaign

Isolating Together: An outdoor photography exhibition born out of Mutual Aid to mark one year of lockdown

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Jack Arts

Isolating Together: An outdoor photography exhibition born out of Mutual Aid to mark one year of lockdown