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Build Hollywood

Build Hollywood

Build Hollywood

Build Hollywood

Jack Arts

The Cloisters: Katy Hays

On the busy route through from Camden to Kings Cross, our interactive billboard brings the sinister yet beautiful world of Kate Hays to life. Set in a Manhattan Museum, the Art Historian’s debut novel The Cloisters, is as atmospheric tale that delves into obsession, academic jealousy and Renaissance magic. Alongside Penguin Random House, we brought the story to life in an enchanting special build with an ominous undertone.

The interactive design takes the book cover as influence; the 3D title emerges from the site as if floating, with draping foliage barely concealing a skull beneath; bespoke tear-away Tarot cards present the passing public with their fortune (if they dare to take it), and oversized Peacock butterfly’s move in the breeze as if they have just landed on the frame.  The effect is entrancing and brings the magic of the novel to life on the streets.

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