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Jack Arts

TALK: World Mental Health Day

TALK. is an ongoing portraiture project by Edinburgh-based photographer Graham Williams which aims to encourage men to talk openly and honestly about their mental health. The portraits are taken after a conversation between sitter and photographer, during which they discuss their own journeys and experiences with mental health, with text from these conversations displayed alongside each portrait.

JACK ARTS Scotland partnered with Williams to present portraits from the project at sites across Edinburgh, alongside a full takeover at Wishaw Terrace to coincide with World Mental Health Day 2024.

On the street-based partnership, Williams said: “I hope by exhibiting the portraits in these public spaces we can encourage everyday passers-by to reflect on and engage with the topic of mental health – particularly those who might be less inclined to participate within a more conventional exhibition environment.” @talk.portraits

A list of mental health charities and organisations can be found on the TALK. website here.

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