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Build Hollywood

Build Hollywood

Jack Arts

Hayward Gallery: When Forms Come Alive

Southbank’s Hayward Gallery’s latest show explores 60 years of contemporary sculpture – it is bold, it is vast, it is abstract sculpture at its best from some of the world’s most influential artists, including Phyllida Barlow, Franz West and Olaf Brzeski.

When Forms Come Alive showcases “irregular eccentric forms that have a sense of life” – From giant disco-balls and vast rooms full of bulbous forms, to walls of foam that fizz gently in the warehouse-style space; the works are inspired by movement and the fluidity of our shared experience.  The broad spectrum of works and styles within the walls of the exhibition is echoed in the array of sites selected for our launch campaign on the street. From our new digital screen at Waterloo to our mega 96 sheet at Broadway Market and all street-level formats in-between, London was introduced to a selection of the eccentric sculptural forms to open the show.

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