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Build Hollywood



‘Tis the season for a cheeseboard. Boursin is a household name when it comes to all things cheese. From humble roots in Normandy, to now being sold across 5 continents – their cheese will be no stranger to platters and plates this festive season.

Teaming up with St Marks Studio, JACK created a larger-than-life cheeseboard at 1 Quaker Street that is sure to get some stomachs rumbling in Shoreditch. The 48-sheet charcuterie towered over East London and had all the favourite accompaniments centred around the heart of every good cheeseboard: a wheel of Boursin. Tearaways of festive cheese recipes were attached to the street-side posters below, bringing a plate of inspiration to passersby. Is this our cheesiest build so far? You brie the judge.

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