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Build Hollywood

Build Hollywood

Jack Arts

The stories of Sheffield brought back to the streets

High above our city streets, I see it all tonight –
How we came, where we settled, why I belong.
– extract from Sheffield by Warda Yassin

As we emerge from lockdown, we take to our city centre sites to present a series of meaningful artworks which celebrate the city of Sheffield, its rich history and its vibrant mix of cultures.  We collaborated with photographer, multi-media artist and writer Martin Gray who invited Sheffield poet laureate Warda Yassin to contribute some of her powerful words.

The result is a series of large scale artworks that intertwine stills and quotes taken from Gray’s critically acclaimed short film ‘We Were Never Derelict’ which explores stories from residents and people in the construction team who grew up in and around Sheffield, then found themselves working on the renovation of Park Hill. The imagery pairs Gray’s work with archival photography, including some from one of the great Sheffield photographers, Pete Hill. Throughout the display are extracts from the poem ‘Sheffield’ by Warda Yassin.

The bold modernist graphics symbolise renewed hope, as well as mirroring the coloured panels of the regenerated Park Hill redevelopment.

Martin Gray says; “These artworks are a tribute to great cities like Sheffield. As we emerge from lockdowns and the world outside our doorstep once more becomes somewhere to share, I don’t think many of us take the importance of community for granted. People of all ages, backgrounds and walks of life have been through this very frightening period of our history together, quietly seeing each other through.”

Vaccine Bristol: Tom Skipp

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Vaccine Bristol: Tom Skipp

Seeing Us Through: Martin Gray

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Jack Arts

Seeing Us Through: Martin Gray