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Build Hollywood

Jack Arts

Dorothy Koomson: That Girl From Nowhere

Jack Arts worked with Penguin Random House to promote Dorothy Koomson’s latest book, That Girl From Nowhere – an emotional story about love, identity and the meaning of family. The synopsis revolves around Clemency Smittson, who was adopted as a baby and the only connection she has to her birth mother is a cardboard box hand-decorated with butterflies. Now an adult, she decides to move to Brighton where she was born, in the hope of unravelling her past. Playing on the cover of the book which includes a bunch of polaroids scattered on the floor, and Clemency’s move to the seaside, we set up a nifty photo booth in Brighton to create memorable moments for the locals. The photo booth was a big hit, with over 80 people getting their pictures during the course of the day.

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Penguin Random House: The Book Of Joy