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Jack Arts

Delaine Le Bas showcase for Glasgow International 2024

A playful yet sinister sketch of an unmistakable icon interjects the handwritten Universal Declaration of Human Rights at sites across Glasgow; the dual display is a street-level expansion of Turner Prize shortlisted artist Delaine Le Bas’s exhibition Delainia: 17071965 Unfolding at Tramway.

Le Bas creates work that exists at the intersection of the personal and the political, aligning their experiences as a Romani person with perspectives on land, movement, gender, and discrimination.

Presented on our sites across the city for the celebrated contemporary art biennial Glasgow International – the piece is based on an original artwork first produced for Safe European Home? an installation Le Bas and her husband created outside the parliament building in Vienna.

Le Bas speaks of the origin of the work in 2005 ‘I was alarmed that the Conservative party took about full-page adverts in the tabloids and broadsheets wanting to take away the Human Rights Act for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people in the U.K… of course this has been an ongoing campaign against many people since that time.’

Delainia: 17071965 Unfolding is presented at Tramway until 13 October, as part of Glasgow International. You can find out more on the project and explore the full festival programme here.

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Doppelganger: Naomi Klein