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Jack Arts

Charlie Rennie Mackintosh: Glasgow Celebrate 150 Years

Charlie Rennie Mackintosh was born in the heart of Glasgow in 1868. He spent over 20 years working in the city where he produced his best known work – the majority of which still remains in his hometown despite his move to London after failing to achieve recognition. He remains one of Glasgow’s most significant artists, designers and architects, and still known as the hugely influential father of ‘Glasgow Style’ – a fact which the city is celebrating in 2018.

This year marks the 150th anniversary of his birth and events are being held throughout the year and across the city to mark the occasion. Glasgow Life has been working with Jack Arts Scotland to raise awareness of the anniversary and has booked space across all the drums and poster sites in the city to have its classy, simple Mackintosh 150 posters on show all year.

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